Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Susan Estrich v. Bill Kristol on Fox News

Perhaps the best part of the Cheney-Edwards debate last night came when Greta of FoxNews had a panel on to discuss who came out looking better.

Susan Estrich, she of the shrill far-left, accused Carl Cameron, Rich Lowry, and Bill Kristol all of being "untruthful" about the winner of the debate. (Let me note here that I do not have the time to go into Estrich's seeming inability to comprehend the simplest of questions from Greta even before the incident discussed below.)

First, let's take Carl Cameron. He's known as "Campaign" Carl, and he's a political REPORTER, for crying out loud. Carl was not even a member of the panel and could not defend himself. Most importantly, Carl was simply reporting what he had been told by Democratic pundits in the room. To accuse him of lying about what he has been told, not even what he himself observed, is really beyond the pale.

Rich Lowry of National Review only had a brief few seconds to defend himself and did an adequate job. But his reaction was much less interesting visually than Bill Kristol.

Bill Kristol is an interesting character. He always seems to be smiling and amiable. But let last night be a warning to all, do not accuse the man of lying. He was visibly angry, leaning forward in his chair. I'm convinced he and Estrich would have come to blows had they been in the same room. The righteous indignation was priceless. It came across as a "How dare you..." moment. Which from a third year law school perspective is even better, as you always hope to be able to pull out the righteous indignation card in a closing statement when a victim's or witness's credibility is questioned. In my book, Kristol had every right to be angry, and he was very specific about not wanting to appear on a show just to be called a liar on national television. Really, who could blame him?

But boy, did it make for fascinating television. My wife suggested that Estrich was playing the role of Omarosa, she of Apprentice: Season 1 fame. I'd certainly tune in to watch Kristol go toe-to-toe with Estrich any time for a serious debate. Kristol v. Estrich could easily replace Greta's ("A new development in the Scott Peterson case: Prosecution rests") tabloid fodder.


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