Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The Spectre of Specter

Jonah Goldberg in The Corner has this to say about Senator Arlen Specter from Pennslyvania.

An even more limited resource is Arlen Specter who, according to everybody I talked to (including several pro-Specter Republicans) is simply doing as little as he can for Bush. The ingratitude of that is shocking. Bush spent real political capital helping Specter get the nomination and Specter is giving next to nothing in return.

I believe Bush is actually getting exactly what he deserves. There was no reason for him to back Specter in the primary against Pat Toomey. I've heard many say that electability was a major concern. Why? Rick Santorum is from Pennsylvania. He's just as conservative as Toomey. There is absolutely no reason that Toomey could not win. He would have won the primary without the President's efforts on behalf of Specter. I despise Specter, but he is just being who he has always been. He's never been a dependable Republican (see Bork), and Bush should never have helped him defeat Toomey. They say insanity is repeating the same action while expecting a different result. It truly is insane to expect Specter to change when he is near the end of his political career. Bush and his advisors should have known better.


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